On The Cutting Edge – Webinars

Webinar – A web-based seminar that we conduct – live – giving you the opportunity to hear directly from members of our team as well as creating a forum for education on a variety of financial topics.

In another “first”, we launched our new Webinar series in the last calendar quarter.

Now you already know that utilizing technology is nothing new at IRONSHIELD. We’ve always tried to make use of the efficiencies that technology can offer us – administratively. Next, we took it to our processes. The ones you’ll know best – to name but a few – The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process and the original Asset Mix Optimization Process. Then, we used technology to improve access; access to online statements, access to online meetings and to reduce access; client data protection – and now, Webinars!

Our goal is to maximize technology, without losing the personal touch. And that seems to be getting notice. Dan Richards, President & CEO of Strategic Imperatives Corp. sought Scott out on Investment Executive TV to describe the technology platform he uses for effective webinars and online client meetings.

Back to the Webinar… The inaugural event featured an exclusive chat with Connor, Clark & Lunn’s  VP and Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Jeff Guise. As Chair of the Portfolio Strategy Team, Jeff is responsible for investment strategy within the Private Client Group and oversees both strategic and tactical changes in asset allocation.

Next up in our webinar series was – Stephen Lingard from Franklin Templeton. As co-lead manager for the Quotential Program, Lingard spoke about what drives security selection and what factors influence his decisions as a money manager.

And check out our website regularly for news of upcoming webinars…