Franco Lombardo – The Great White Elephant

Franco Lombardo - Headshot (closeup)Today I have an update call with Franco Lombardo, Managing Director of Veritage Family Office Ltd. In today’s discussion we go into detail about Franco’s latest book, “The Great White Elephant – Why Rich Kids Hate Their Parents”. In this book he offers a methodology for improving your chances in achieving success in your succession and estate planning for the next generation. The goal of leaving your children properly prepared both intellectually and emotionally is often eluded when you talk about how to protect against this real world challenge.

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.