KEY014 | Why are you denying yourself during retirement?

Why are you denying yourself during retirement?


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In this edition of The Key To Retirement™, we’re going to reveal to you a common question that I am asking my retiree clients during my review meetings.  And that question is “Why are you denying yourself during retirement?”


In today’s bonus segment we’ll share with you a quick tip on how to tell if your financial planners financial planning software is providing you with the correct answers.  The wrong software could be inadvertently making you sacrifice too much today – which denies you your ability to have a higher lifestyle today.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.

Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.


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Dennis Serre – Individual Pension Plans

Fly On The Wall Webinar Series

UpdateHello everybody and welcome to another one of IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” webinars.

If this is your first time tuning in to a “Fly On The Wall” recording, let me quickly explain to you what this is.

You are going to experience what it’s like to be a “fly on the wall” during one of my update calls with a member of our Top Guns Network.  This network is my personal network of specialists.

Every so often, I ask a member of my network to touch base with me to bring me up to speed on the latest happenings in their area.  And when they call me, I record the call so you can be a “fly on the wall” for that call.

(Duration 41:09)

On this episode

I invited Dennis Serre, owner of Serre Financial, a successful group plans consulting firm with 50 years of extensive tax knowledge at their disposal and experience working with many financial institutions to develop new pension plan programs for all types of business needs.

Working closely with individuals and corporations, Serre Financial is focused on avoiding excessive fees and minimizing both taxes and future pension liabilities.

Dennis took time out to speak with me and explain the details of Individual Pension Plans and their benefits to business owners.

Please click on the video link above to watch & listen to the call.

For further information or to book your free no obligation appointment please call me directly at 416-626-6515.

Caution Business Owners! – Don’t Poke The Giant…

By: Scott E. Plaskett, CFP & John Warrillow

On June 1, 2011, both Floyd’s Coffee Shops in Portland, Oregon were busier than usual. The regulars were elbowed out of the way by new customers visiting the store for the first time to redeem their coupon and get $10 worth of coffee for $3.

This tempting offer was made because Floyd’s had been picked as the first-ever Google Offers “deal.” Google Offers is the company’s first baby step into the world of “social buying” style promotions where a special, limited time offer is made by a business hoping that the deal will spread virally and thereby introduce a new legion of customers to their business.

Google, of course, did not invent the deal-of-the-day category; they were goaded into it after their generous $6 billion dollar offer to buy Groupon was turned down.

Now Groupon is starting to feel the pinch after thumbing their nose at one of the world’s most valuable companies. According to, Groupon’s traffic went from 33.7 million unique visitors in June 2011 to just 18.3 million unique visitors in January 2012. That’s a drop of almost half inside less than a year. Not surprisingly, Groupon’s stock is also down around 25% since its IPO last year.

Over-playing your hand

The moral of the story is to be careful not to over-play your hand when being approached by someone who wants to buy your company. Acquirers usually have deep pockets and, while you may think your business is unique, never underestimate the resolve of a big company with lots of cash.

They do have an alternative to buying you: they can simply compete with you.

Typically when they make the decision to walk away from the negotiation table they do not leave empty-handed. They come away with new-found insight on how you run your business, what works, and what flops; so they have an enormous head start to launch a competitive company.

And it doesn’t just happen in Silicon Valley. Take a hypothetical example of a home security company generating $500,000 per year in profit (before tax) installing and monitoring home alarms.  One day a big alarm company comes along and says they want to buy the business and they’re willing to pay four times pre tax profit.  The alarm company owner turns up his nose and demands six times earnings.

Now the suitor has a choice. They can try and negotiate with the owner, but that would undermine the economics of the model they’ve used to buy hundreds of similar alarm companies across the country, or they can simply hire someone to start an office to compete with him.

Let’s say they pick door number two and hire a young, aggressive manager. They guarantee her $200,000 a year in the first 12 months on the job while she is building her business.  You have not only lost the opportunity to sell your business; you’re now competing against a young, motivated rival with a parent company who has an extra $1,800,000 ($2,000,000 withdrawn offer minus the $200,000/ year salary for their manager) that they didn’t use to buy you and they’re putting it towards helping your new competitor build her business.

If you’re lucky enough to get approached by a big company who wants to buy yours, remember that they are usually not choosing between buying you or buying your competitor. They are often choosing between buying you or setting up shop to compete with you.

Wondering if you have a sellable business? The Sellability Score is a quantitative tool designed to analyze how sellable your business is. After completing the questionnaire, you will immediately receive a Sellability Score out of 100 along with instructions for interpreting your results.

Take the Quiz here: The Business Sellability Audit™


Seven Powerful Ratios Entrepreneurs and Business Owners Need To Start Tracking Now

By: Scott Plaskett, CFP & John Warrillow

Doctors in the developing world measure their progress not by the aggregate number of children who die in childbirth but by the infant mortality rate, a ratio of the number of births to deaths.

Similarly, baseball’s leadoff batters measure their “on-base percentage” – the number of times they get on base as a percentage of the number of times they get the chance to try.

Acquirers also like tracking ratios and the more ratios you can provide a potential buyer, the more comfortable they will get with the idea of buying your business.

Better than the blunt measuring stick of an aggregate number, a ratio expresses the relationship between two numbers, which gives them their power.

If you’re planning to sell your company one day, here’s a list of seven ratios to start tracking in your business now:

1. Employees per square foot

By calculating the number of square feet of office space you rent and dividing it by the number of employees you have, you can judge how efficiently you have designed your space. Commercial real estate agents use a general rule of 175–250 square feet of usable office space per employee.

2. Ratio of promoters and detractors

Fred Reichheld and his colleagues at Bain & Company and Satmetrix, developed the Net Promoter Score®  methodology, which is based around asking customers a single question that is predictive of both repurchase and referral. Here’s how it works:  survey your customers and ask them the question “On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend <insert your company name> to a friend or colleague?” Figure out what percentage of the people surveyed give you a 9 or 10 and label that your ratio of “promoters.” Calculate your ratio of detractors by figuring out the percentage of people surveyed who gave you a 0–6 score.  Then calculate your Net Promoter Score by subtracting your percentage of detractors from your percentage of promoters.

The average company in the United States has a Net Promoter Score of between 10 and 15 percent. According to Satmetrix’s 2011 study, the U.S. companies with the highest Net Promoter Score are:

  • USAA Banking 87%
  • Trader Joe’s 82%
  • Wegmans 78%
  • USAA Homeowner’s Insurance 78%
  • Costco 77%
  • USAA Auto Insurance 73%
  • Apple 72%
  • Publix 72%
  •  70%
  • Kohl’s 70%

3. Sales per square foot

By measuring your annual sales per square foot, you can get a sense of how efficiently you are translating your real estate into sales. Most industry associations have a benchmark. For example, annual sales per square foot for a respectable retailer might be $300. With real estate usually ranking just behind payroll as a business’s largest expenses, the more sales you can generate per square foot of real estate, the more profitable you are likely to be.

Specialty food retailer Trader Joe’s ranks among companies with the highest sales per square foot; Business Week estimates it at $1,750 – more than double that of Whole Foods.

4. Revenue per employee

Payroll is the number-one expense of most businesses, which explains why maximizing your revenue per employee can translate quickly to the bottom line. In a 2010 report, Business Insider estimated that Craigslist enjoys one of the highest revenue-per-employee ratios, at $3,300,000 per employee, followed by Google at $1,190,000 per bum in a seat. Amazon was at $1,010,000, Facebook at $920,000, and eBay rounded out the top five at $530,000. More traditional people-dependent companies may struggle to surpass $100,000 per employee.

5. Customers per account manager

How many customers do you ask your account managers to manage? Finding a balance can be tricky. Some bankers are forced to juggle more than 400 accounts and therefore do not know each of their customers, whereas some high-end wealth managers may have just 50 clients to stay in contact with. It’s hard to say what the right ratio is because it is so highly dependent on your industry. Slowly increase your ratio of customers per account manager until you see the first signs of deterioration (slowing sales, drop in customer satisfaction). That’s when you know you have probably pushed it a little too far.

6. Prospects per visitor

What proportion of your website’s visitors “opt in” by giving you permission to e-mail them in the future? Dr. Karl Blanks and Ben Jesson are the cofounders of Conversion Rate Experts, which advises companies like Google, Apple and Sony how to convert more of their website traffic into customers. Dr. Blanks and Mr. Jesson state that there is no such thing as a typical opt-in rate, because so much depends on the source of traffic. They recommend that rather than benchmarking yourself against a competitor, you benchmark against yourself by carrying out tests to beat your site’s current opt-in rate.

Dr. Blanks and Mr. Jesson suggest the easiest way of increasing opt-in rate is to reward visitors for submitting their e-mail addresses by offering them a gift they’d find valuable. Information products – such as online white papers, videos and calculators – make ideal gifts, because their cost per unit can be almost zero. Using this technique and a few others, Conversion Rate Experts achieved a 66 percent increase in the prospects-per-visitor rate for SOS Worldwide, a broker of office space.

7. Prospects to customers

Similar to prospects per visitor, another metric to keep an eye on is the efficiency with which you convert prospects – people who have opted in or expressed an interest in what you sell – into customers.

Conversion Rate Experts’ Dr. Blanks and Mr. Jesson recommend you monitor the rate at which you are converting qualified prospects into customers, and then carry out tests to identify factors that improve that ratio. Conversion Rate Experts more than doubled the revenues of, the leading community for search marketers, by converting many of SEOBook’s free subscribers into customers. Techniques that were found to be effective included (perhaps counter intuitively) restricting the number of places available; allowing easier comparison between SEOBook and the alternatives; communicating the company’s value proposition more effectively; and simplifying its sign-up process. The trick is to establish your benchmark and tinker until you can improve it.

Acquirers have a healthy appetite for data. The more data you can give them – in the ratio format they’re used to examining – the more attractive your business will be in their eyes.

Wondering if you have a sellable business? The Sellability Score is a quantitative tool designed to analyze how sellable your business is. After completing the questionnaire, you will immediately receive a Sellability Score out of 100 along with instructions for interpreting your results.

Take the Quiz here: The Business Sellability Audit™


KEY011 | Individual Pension Plans – Why they are the best wealth accumulation plans for business owners.

Individual Pension Plans – Why they are the best wealth accumulation plans for business owners.


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If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! Enjoy the show!

In This Episode

In this edition of The Key To Retirement™, we’re going to talk about Individual Pension Plans (IPP’s) and why they are the best wealth accumulation solution for business owners.

Bonus Segment

In today’s bonus segment we’re going to show you how to get a FREE, customized report showing you how much of a tax-deduction you can create, virtually out of thin air, to save a boat load of taxes this year.  This one report will clearly show you, in black and white, whether or not you should be exploring this amazing wealth accumulation plan further.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.  Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.


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KEY010 | The Canada Pension Plan – Should you take a reduced Canada Pension Plan now? Or a full Canada Pension Plan later?

The Canada Pension Plan – Should you take a reduced Canada Pension Plan now? Or a full Canada Pension Plan later?


To subscribe to the podcast, please use the links below:

If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! Enjoy the show!

In This Episode

In this edition of The Key To Retirement™, we’re going to talk about the Canada Pension Plan and answer the question “Should you take a reduced Canada Pension Plan now or a full Canada Pension Plan later?

Bonus Segment

In today’s bonus segment we’ll share with you how to get your own copy of a FREE Special Report titled “12 Key Questions You Must Ask A Financial Planner BEFORE You Hire One!”  This free report is a must read if you’re thinking of interviewing a Certified Financial Planner in your area.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.  Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.


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Focus on financial freedom, not financial wealth.

Focus on financial freedom, not financial worth.

At the time I write this, there are advertising agencies and marketing departments of the investment companies poised and ready to release this years marketing message to you.  The marketing message usually has something to do with investing more.  Read the messages, understand them but don’t follow the advice delivered through them.

I’m going to speak to you now from a financial planning perspective.  Quite a different viewpoint than a marketing one.

Believe it or not, some of us overspend every so often.  (Yes, it’s true!)  Here is my message to you that will trump any registered investment:

Pay off your high-interest credit card debt or clear the balances on your overextended lines of credit.

Doing so will allow you to move closer to financial freedom.

Then, once you are free and clear of the shackles of these debts, set yourself up for success and take advantage of at least one of the following plans.

Registered Retirement Savings Plans have always been a friendly way to invest.  For each dollar you put into your RRSP, you get to reduce your taxable employment income by a dollar and the tax you originally paid on that dollar of income comes back to you in the form of a refund.  So, for someone in the 46% tax bracket, putting in $1,000 to your RRSP provides you with tax savings of $460.

But, if you don’t have any taxable employment income or your income is quite low, there is a solution that you can take advantage of.  The Tax Free Savings Account is a solution that brings with it a lot of punch.  If you haven’t contributed to a TFSA before, you can put up to $20,000 into a plan in 2012 (assuming you were at least 18 years old in 2009).  Any money you put into a TFSA is completely tax sheltered as it grows and completely tax free when you withdraw the funds (original investment and all profits) in the future.  For a complete overview of the power of a TFSA, click HERE.

Now, with all government plans, there are some rules you have to follow.

For the 2011 tax year, you have until February 29th, 2012 to make a contribution to an RRSP that you can use on your 2011 tax return.  The maximum all Canadians can contribute to their RRSP is 18% of their previous years income to a limit of $22,450 for 2011.  This amount is reduced for those Canadians who are a member of an employer sponsored Registered Pension Plan.  The reduction is based on your Pension Adjustment that is found on your T4 slip that was issued for your previous year.  Plus, if you have a previous year that you had RRSP contribution room that you did not use, you can add this amount to your annual limit.  If you found this hard to follow, simply find your Notice of Assessment from last year and at the bottom of it is a summary of the amount you are allowed to contribute to an RRSP for the current tax year.

If after reviewing my previous post on TFSA’s you determine that a TFSA contribution is more appropriate for you, here are the contribution rules that you are governed by.

If you were at least 18 years of age in 2009 and have made no contributions to a TFSA then you can contribute up to $20,000 in 2012.  That’s it.  It’s pretty simple.

I do urge you to read my previous post on TFSA’s however because there are a lot of reasons to and reasons not to contribute to a TFSA.

If you’re thinking that all of this sounds great but you don’t have lump sums like this sitting idle in your bank account right now looking for a home in a RRSP or a TFSA, here is a solution for you.

Set up a monthly contribution plan (a.k.a. PAC or Pre-Authorized Chequing) arrangement.

Here are some key monthly contribution amounts that will help you maximize each years contributions:

  • $1,914.17/mth, to a RRSP starting in January 2012 will allow you to hit the annual limit available for your 2012 RRSP of $22,970
  • $416.67/mth, to a TFSA starting in January 2012 will allow you to maximize the annual $5,000 limit

So, focus on Financial Freedom.  Paying off your high-interest debts first will not only be a very smart financial decision but will provide you with the financial freedom needed to make huge strides in increasing your financial wealth.

*UPDATE: Starting January 2013 – the new TFSA annual maximum contribution limit is $5,500.


What Your Birth Certificate Says About Your Exit Plan

By: Scott Plaskett & John Warrillow

In our experience, your age has a big effect on your attitude towards your business and how you feel about one day getting out.

Here’s what we have found:


Business owners between 25 and 46 years old

Twenty- and thirty-something business owners grew up in an age where job security did not exist. They watched as their parents got downsized or packaged off into early retirement, and that caused a somewhat jaded attitude towards the role of a business in society. Business owners in their 20’s and 30’s generally see their companies as means to an end and most expect to sell in the next five to ten years. Similar to their employed classmates who have a new job every three to five years; business owners in this age group often expect to start a few companies in their lifetime.

Business owners between 47 and 65 years old

Baby Boomers came of age in a time where the social contract between company and employee was sacrosanct. An employee agreed to be loyal to the company, and in return, the company agreed to provide a decent living and a pension for a few golden years.

Many of the business owners we speak with in this generation think of their company as more than a profit center. They see their business as part of a community and, by extension, themselves as a community leader. To many boomers, the idea of selling their company feels like selling out their employees and their community, which is why so many CEO’s in their fifties and sixties are torn. They know they need to sell to fund their retirement, but they agonize over where that will leave their loyal employees.

Business owners who are 65+

Older business owners grew up in a time when hobbies were impractical or discouraged. You went to work while your wife tended to the kids (today, more than half of businesses are started by women, but those were different times), you ate dinner, you watched the news and you went to bed.

With few hobbies and nothing other than work to define them, business owners in their late sixties, seventies and eighties feel lost without their business, which is why so many refuse to sell or experience depression after they do.

Of course, there will always be exceptions to general rules of thumb but we have found that – more than your industry, nationality, marital status or educational background – your birth certificate defines your exit plan.

Wondering if you have a sellable business? The Sellability Score is a quantitative tool designed to analyze how sellable your business is. After completing the questionnaire, you will immediately receive a Sellability Score out of 100 along with instructions for interpreting your results.

Take the Quiz here: The Business Sellability Audit