The Richest Person In The Nursing Home

Featured in the July 2014 Newsletter of HAHN Investment Stewards. Republished with permission.

By: Scott E. Plaskett, CFP
Senior Financial Planner & CEO, IRONSHIELD Financial Planning,

Is your financial planning putting you on track to be the richest person in the nursing home?

I bet it IS.

How do I know?  For the majority of Canadians, financial planning is based upon the principle of saving as much as possible on an annual basis and trying to earn the best rate of return in the process.

If this sounds like the underpinnings of your financial plan, you’ll want to read on.

First, let me provide you with a little background about how traditional financial planning is causing you to deny yourself today for the hope of wealth tomorrow.

Let’s look at the questions that are typically asked, during the creation of a traditional financial plan.  The questions may look like this:

  1. When do you want to retire?
  2. How much money do you want to live on during retirement?
  3. What level of risk are you comfortable accepting to earn the return on your portfolio?

And these questions, although they sound like intelligent questions to ask, are the wrong questions.

Let’s look at the first question.  It revolves around the word “retire” or “retirement”, which is a really bad word.

Don’t believe me?  Just take a look at this list of synonyms for the word retire (Synonym: a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same thing):

  • withdraw
  • retreat
  • expire
  • terminate
  • disengage
  • death

If you ask me, I don’t want to experience any of these things, yet most financial planning is based upon the concept of choosing a date in the future for your “retirement”.  And the focus becomes, what can/should you deny yourself today, so that you can save as much as possible for tomorrow?

Now for the second question.  If you asked me how much money I’d want to live on during retirement, my answer would be, “As much as possible…”  In other words, most people really have no idea of what their cash flow requirements are going to be when they cease to generate employment income, so putting an actual dollar amount on that today, is next to impossible.

As for the question about your comfort level with investment risk.  This is such a loaded question I don’t even know where to begin.  The concept of risk makes me think of gambling and believe me, I don’t want to gamble with my money.  Why would I want to accept ANY “risk”?  The reality is, we should be focusing on our ability to create the highest probability of success.  Projections alone – as in a traditional financial plan – won’t do that.  Finding the minimum rate of return that will allow your financial plan to succeed is where the focus should be.

So, being asked and answering these questions really doesn’t accomplish much – other than fill an hour of time with a conversation that feels important but really doesn’t get any closer to what’s truly important.

So, how should the financial planning conversation go?

I have found, that the better financial planning questions are the ones you should be asking, but just don’t know it.

  • What after-tax income am I on track for?
  • What is my financial independence day, or let’s call it “freedom age”?
  • What is my required rate of return?

Once answered, these questions will provide you with a tremendous amount of insight into what you need to do to be successful with your financial planning.  This type of clarity is what will allow you to make better decisions, knowing that your subsequent decisions will either enhance or detract from your ability to accomplish your goals.

Following this financial planning approach yields your Financial Minimum Effective Dose (MED), thus allowing you to spend on your lifestyle today, without guilt.

The concept of minimum effective dose comes from the world of science.  For example, in science class I learned that water boils at 100⁰C at standard air pressure.  Water is not “more boiled” if you add more heat.  Adding more heat is simply wasteful.

So, your Financial Minimum Effective Dose is the minimum amount of savings required for you to accomplish your financial goals.  Saving more money can be considered just as “wasteful” and may not support your lifestyle goals for today – just as important as tomorrow.

You see, in today’s world, retirement is an outdated concept.  People don’t want to “retire”, they want to be engaged in life, for life.  The problem is, that without a financial plan that assists you in figuring out what your Financial MED is, life is full of denying yourself today – out of fear – in the hopes of having more in the future.  The problem is, what happens if you don’t make it to tomorrow?  Will you have enjoyed your experience along the way?

Determining what your Financial MED is, will not only provide you with the confidence that you are on track to be financially free on your terms, it will also provide you with the permission to enjoy what’s important to your lifestyle today, without feeling like you are spending tomorrow’s money too soon.

You may still be the richest person in the nursing home, but it won’t be measured by your bank balance alone, but by the richness of the life you’ve lived.

What Kind Of Planning Are You Doing For Your Financial Freedom?

In my last blog post I talked about the nine things you need to know before you can retire comfortably. Make sure to check out the link and read that blog post when you get a chance, there is a wealth of information in it. There is a lot to think about when it comes to planning your financial freedom. I just want to quickly run down the list of those nine things here so we’re all on the same page.


1. What is your net worth today?
2. Where is all your money going to come from?
3. What are your retirement expenses going to be?
4. What is your debt management plan?
5. What does your base plan look like?
6. What are the “what if” scenarios?
7. What kind of planning are you doing?
8. What about risk management?
9. Are you planning for how your estate will be distributed?

Today I want to go back and take a closer look at number seven on that list above. We want to look at the kind of planning you’re doing.

There are two different types of planning: there’s goals based planning and cash flow based planning. The two types of planning are used at distinctly different times.


So, for example, if you have a long period of time between now and when you plan to stop working, that’s where we would use a goals based plan. It’s basically when you say to yourself, “what do I need to do today so I can stop working at age 65 with a certain level of income?” The goals based plan answers that question.

Goals based financial planning provides you with a clear idea of what you need to do to retire at a certain age with a certain level of income.


Also read:

9 Things You Need To Know Before You Can Retire Comfortably

Financial Goals Vs. Financial Objectives

Why Your Financial Plan is missing the Mark (And How You Can Fix it)


Cash Flow Based Plan

A cash flow based plan takes into account a different set of variables and it answers the question, “what type of cash flow can I expect after I leave the work force?” We’re no longer focusing on a long term accumulation goal but focusing on a cash flow goal.

Cash flow based financial plans do a much better job of mimicking your actual income when you reach financial freedom and the taxes associated with the cash flow received from your plans.

One of the biggest differences between the two plans comes down to taxes. If you go ahead and use a goals based solution to answer a cash flow based plan you are going to be way off the mark. The main reason for that is taxation. With goals based planning you’re assuming an average tax rate over the life of the plan but with a cash flow based plan you need to take a look at the tax on the cash flow every given year.

Don’t forget a financial advisor can help if you have any questions about what kind of plan you’re using now or should be using. Remember, the goal of any financial plan is to reach the desired finish, no matter what the finish line is. Only you can decide the finish line that is best for you but a financial advisor can help you along the way, help you decide what questions you need to ask and help you answer those questions. Be sure to check out my guide called “How to Choose and Work with a Financial Planner You Can Trust” to help you find someone who fits with you to help you map your path to financial freedom.

Charles Wilton – Why Buy Everest Reinsurance

Charles WiltonIn today’s episode, I chat with Charles Wilton, Portfolio Manager with the Private Investment Management Group at Raymond James.  We talk about the recent changes in his portfolio and why he decided to buy Everest Reinsurance.

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.

Charles Wilton – Selling Position of CR Bard

Charles WiltonIn today’s episode, I have an in-depth discussion with Charles Wilton, Portfolio Manager with the Private Investment Management Group at Raymond James.

We go into detail about a recent deposition or exist position that took place in Charles’ portfolio.  Remember, investing is not just about the right time to buy and buying at the right price, but selling at the right price and knowing when to sell…

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.

9 Things You Need To Know Before You Can Retire Comfortably

For many people, long gone are the days when you can retire from your job with the pension that your employer provides. Today it is important to have your own plan. It is all about taking control of your financial future and there a few steps you should take to help you achieve your retirement goals.

Here are nine things I think you need to know before you can retire comfortably.

1. What is your net worth today?
This is really the foundation of all financial planning. You need to understand your net worth in order to move forward. I suggest you make a list on one page everything you own; houses, cars, investment accounts, retirement accounts and education plans. Then take a look at your expenses or your liabilities; what do you owe? Now take your assets and subtract your liabilities and that gives you your net worth.

2. Where is all your money going to come from?
I want you to make another list here of where your retirement income is going to come from; retirement accounts, pension plans, government pensions and inheritances. We don’t need to know what the income is going to be only what the sources are.

3. What are your retirement expenses going to be?
You want to get very clear about what your expenses are now and what they are going to be moving forward.

4. What is your debt management plan?
So if you’re going into retirement and you’re going to be carrying debts, you really want to get a clear plan in place to get rid of those debts.

5. What does your base plan look like?
A base plan is a plan that lays out all of your information (your assets, your liabilities, your retirement income, your retirement expenses) and puts it into a system so you can get a clear picture of where you are today. This step helps answer the most important question can I retire with the lifestyle I’ve become used to?

6. What if scenarios.
I want you to think about and prepare for all eventualities in this step. For example, what if I really don’t like my job and I really want to retire five years earlier? Or what if we decide to downsize and maybe buy a summer home somewhere? All of these variables need to be worked into the plan.

7. What kind of planning are you doing?
There are two types of planning to consider here; goals based planning or cash flow based planning. Goals based planning provide you a clear idea of what you need to do to retire at a certain age within a certain level of income. Cash flow based plans do a much better job of mimicking your actual retirement income and the taxes associated the cash from your plan.

8. What about risk management?
This is important because when you are talking about financial planning there are three eventualities to consider. The first is you’re going to live a long healthy life. The second eventuality is you are going to live a long, unhealthy life. The third is you are going to die prematurely. We want to make sure all of our plans can sustain the level of income we will need to deal with all the eventualities.

9. Estate Planning
So what is going to happen to your family’s wealth when you die? What happens if both spouses die? Are you planning on leaving your wealth and assets to your children? We really want to be focusing on the efficient transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. If you want more information on estate planning, check out my recent post Keeping Your Cottage In The Family – Mistakes To Avoid.

Being able to retire comfortably takes planning. There is no doubt there is a lot to think about. A good financial planner can help you go through the steps so you can get clear on what you need to do to retire the way you want to. For more information on planning your retirement, check out my post Make Retirement The Time of Your Life: Ask Yourself Three Questions

If you are not sure where to turn, the team at IRONSHIELD Financial Planning can help. And of course take a look at this comprehensive and free Consumer Awareness Guide I wrote How to Choose and Work With a Financial Planner You Can Trust.

Mike Flux – General and Investment Alternatives Update Q1 2014

MichaelFlux_1000x1230In this video, I speak with Mike Flux, Senior VP of Connor Clark & Lunn Private Capital to chat about their investment outlook from Q1 of 2014. We also discuss how to interpret the current events, and how to properly position portfolios to take advantage of these market events.

In this second video, Mike gives an update on the alternative strategies that they are using in their portfolios, to help reduce the effects of the current volatility without sacrificing returns.

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.

KEY047 | Financial Planning Software

Financial Planning Software


I interview Dave Faulkner, President of FPAdvantage and creator of the financial planning software ‘The Razor’.  Find out how this software evolved and how the financial planner should be the force of direction in creating the actual financial plan, not the software.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.

Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.

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Franco Lombardo – The Great White Elephant

Franco Lombardo - Headshot (closeup)Today I have an update call with Franco Lombardo, Managing Director of Veritage Family Office Ltd. In today’s discussion we go into detail about Franco’s latest book, “The Great White Elephant – Why Rich Kids Hate Their Parents”. In this book he offers a methodology for improving your chances in achieving success in your succession and estate planning for the next generation. The goal of leaving your children properly prepared both intellectually and emotionally is often eluded when you talk about how to protect against this real world challenge.

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.