KEY002 | The difference between financial goals and financial objectives, and how important it is that your financial planner understands the difference between the two.

The difference between financial goals and financial objectives, and how important it is that your financial planner understands the difference between the two.


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In This Episode

In this edition of The Key To Retirement, we’re going to talk about:

    • the difference between financial goals and financial objectives, and how important it is that your financial planner understands the difference between the two.  Because, if they don’t, you will never know when you have accomplished what you set out to.

Bonus Segment

In today’s bonus segment, we’ll share with you:

    • how to get leading edge information on just about any topic delivered to you as it comes out.  And no, it’s not searching through google.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting.  One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process.  Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.

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Mike Flux – Investment Review and Update Q2 2011

Hello everybody and welcome to another one of IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” webinars.

If this is your first time tuning in to a “Fly On The Wall” recording, let me quickly explain to you what this is.

You are going to experience what it’s like to be a “fly on the wall” during one of my update calls with a member of our Top Guns Network.  This network is my personal network of specialists.

Every so often, I ask a member of my network to touch base with me to bring me up to speed on the latest happenings in their area.  And when they call me, I record the call so you can be a “fly on the wall” for that call.

On today’s episode

I invited Mike Flux, VP of Connor Clark & Lunn Private Capital to summarize for me what has happened in the global markets during the 2nd quarter of 2011.  He not only explains what happened but explains what their strategy is moving forward.

Please click on the video below to watch & listen to the call:

(Duration 26:11)

KEY001 | Three Critical First Steps In Determining If You Need To Work With A Financial Planner

Three Critical First Steps In Determining If You Need To Work With A Financial Planner


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If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! Enjoy the show!

In This Episode

In this edition of The Key To Retirement, we’re going to talk about The Three Critical First Steps In Determining If You Need To Work With A Financial Planner

In today’s quick tip we’ll share a website you can use as a resource for finding a certified financial planner in your area.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting.  One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process.  Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.

Bonus Segment

In today’s quick tip, we’re sharing a resource for finding a Certified Financial Planner in your area so that you can begin your journey towards hiring a financial planner.

Historically, the easiest way to get a list of names of firms to meet with was to go to your local yellow pages directory.  The problem with this is that you are only going to find firms who have paid to be in those books.  That doesn’t mean that they are all qualified.  It just means that they have paid to be there.

However, now you can go directly to the organization that’s sole objective is to promote and enforce the professional standards for financial planning in Canada.  The Financial Planning Standards Council of Canada has a ‘Find A Planner’ section on their website.  You can even use a Google Map Tool to show you all of the practicing Certified Financial Planners in your area.  Simply key in your postal code and it will generate a listing of all your local planners.  You can read their profiles and link to their websites to find out more about them before you actually call.

This website is .

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City of Toronto Mayor, Rob Ford is proposing a once in a lifetime package offer for city of Toronto employees…

If you are a city of Toronto employee, you will be very interested in this post.  Because it could be a financial windfall for you.

The story goes like this:

Toronto City Hall is offering a buyout package to all permanent public service employees.  The offer will be three weeks pay for each year of service up to a maximum of 26 weeks pay (or 4 weeks for each year if your senior management).  All employees wishing to accept this offer are required to apply by September 9th, 2011 to then have their application reviewed.  They will then find out if their application has been accepted or denied by October 1st, 2011.

Here are my thoughts on this.

So far, after reading as many articles and notices I can get my hands on relating to this topic, not one of them has touched on the most important factor in helping people know whether this is a good deal for them or not.  The articles either touch on how bad it is for the city and how all of the “good” talent will be lost or how Rob Ford has reneged on his platform promises.  In my mind, the most important thing that needs to be looked at is how to we assist the tens of thousands of people in making the right decision?

I mean here is a group of people who have worked the majority of their lives for the city and who have relied upon “others” (unions, human resource departments, etc…) for all of their financial guidance.  And now, providing initially little to no information the City is telling these people that they will have to make their decision by September 9th as to whether or not they want to accept the package being offered to them.

Also, the articles and reports are currently paying lip service to the fact that a lot of these employees who are going to qualify for the full 26 week package (those who have worked almost nine years for the City) will also have to decide how to properly transfer their pension plan.  If you’re considering this package (and you should consider it), this one statement should bring a bead of sweat to your brow.

Why would you begin to sweat?

Well, consider that a long standing employee who has worked for the city for many, many years has build up an entitlement to a defined benefit pension plan.  And, that same employee (who up until now has viewed that defined benefit pension plan as an amount of cash flow they will receive during their retirement – $3,000 a month, $4,000 a month, etc…) will now have to decide how to properly manage the pool of capital that has been accumulating for them that was to pay their annual pension income.  But now, they are going to be asked to take this with them and manage it themselves.  This could be a decision on a sum of money that most only dream about receiving – from say a lottery.  But now, they are being asked to make a decision on potentially millions of dollars – their nest egg – in a few weeks.

Nobody has provided any counsel on the options these employees are going  to be faced with.

Who do you call?  Call a Certified Financial Planner.  What is considered the “gold standard” when it comes to licensing in the financial planning field.  This group will assist in analyzing the options.

And, what are some of the options that should be considered:

  1. Transferring to another pension plan (either a new employer’s plan or an Individual Pension Plan)
  2. Transferring to a locked-in registered plan
  3. Transferring to an annuity
  4. Opting for a deferred pension.

Working through the options with a qualified compensation specialist will provide confidence and piece of mind that is hard to come by.  When a package like this is being offered, you really should analyze all of your options first, so you can make a knowledgeable decision.

Should you be interested in keeping abreast of your options via email, please register below and we will send you updates and comments as new information presents itself.

A once in a lifetime package offer for city of Toronto employees

LayoffIf you are a city of Toronto employee, you will be very interested in this post.  Because it could be a financial windfall for you.

The story goes like this:

Toronto City Hall is offering a buyout package to all permanent public service employees.  The offer will be three weeks pay for each year of service up to a maximum of 26 weeks pay (or 4 weeks for each year if your senior management).  All employees wishing to accept this offer are required to apply by September 9th, 2011 to then have their application reviewed.  They will then find out if their application has been accepted or denied by October 1st, 2011.


So far, after reading as many articles and notices I can get my hands on relating to this topic, not one of them has touched on the most important factor in helping people know whether this is a good deal for them or not.  The articles either touch on how bad it is for the city and how all of the “good” talent will be lost or how Rob Ford has reneged on his platform promises.  In my mind, the most important thing that needs to be looked at is how to we assist the tens of thousands of people in making the right decision?

I mean here is a group of people who have worked the majority of their lives for the city and who have relied upon “others” (unions, human resource departments, etc…) for all of their financial guidance.  And now, providing initially little to no information the City is telling these people that they will have to make their decision by September 9th as to whether or not they want to accept the package being offered to them.

Also, the articles and reports are currently paying lip service to the fact that a lot of these employees who are going to qualify for the full 26 week package (those who have worked almost nine years for the City) will also have to decide how to properly transfer their pension plan.  If you’re considering this package (and you should consider it), this one statement should bring a bead of sweat to your brow.


Well, consider that a long standing employee who has worked for the city for many, many years has build up an entitlement to a defined benefit pension plan.  And, that same employee (who up until now has viewed that defined benefit pension plan as an amount of cash flow they will receive during their retirement – $3,000 a month, $4,000 a month, etc…) will now have to decide how to properly manage the pool of capital that has been accumulating for them that was to pay their annual pension income.  But now, they are going to be asked to take this with them and manage it themselves.  This could be a decision on a sum of money that most only dream about receiving – from say a lottery.  But now, they are being asked to make a decision on potentially millions of dollars – their nest egg – in a few weeks.

Nobody has provided any counsel on the options these employees are going  to be faced with.

Who do you call?  Call a Certified Financial Planner.  What is considered the “gold standard” when it comes to licensing in the financial planning field.  This group will assist in analyzing the options.


  • Transferring to another pension plan (either a new employer’s plan or an Individual Pension Plan)
  • Transferring to a locked-in registered plan
  • Transferring to an annuity
  • Opting for a deferred pension.

Working through the options with a qualified compensation specialist will provide confidence and piece of mind that is hard to come by.  When a package like this is being offered, you really should analyze all of your options first, so you can make a knowledgeable decision.

Should you be interested in keeping abreast of your options via email, please register below and we will send you updates and comments as new information presents itself.


Mike Flux – Investment Review and Outlook Q1 2011

I spoke with Mike Flux, VP Connor, Clark & Lunn Private Capital for an exclusive review of the significant events that took place in the first quarter of 2011.

We also spoke about what investment options need to be considered by investors today to take advantage of the current economic environment.

I recorded the online meeting I had with him so that you could have a “behind the scenes” look and listen to the conversation.


Scott E. Plaskett, CFP

(Duration: 56:35)

Value of Financial Planning

“Individuals with Financial Plans Feel Better Prepared to Deal with Difficult Economic Times; Feel More Apt to Achieve Life Goals”


– commissioned study called Value of Financial Planning

The Financial Planning Standards Council of Canada commissioned a study to find out if Canadians who engaged in comprehensive financial planning were better off than those who didn’t. Interesting to note – the study was conducted during one of the most difficult economic periods in Canada’s recent history, and the majority of respondents were not wealthy.

One sobering part of the study was that it indicated that less than two out of every ten Canadians engage in comprehensive financial planning. Not surprisingly, this group (less than 20% of Canadians) showed significantly greater levels of emotional and financial well-being as a result of their planning.

Also, the study revealed that:

  • Those who receive professional advice and engage in financial planning tend to do more of the things that are good for their financial and emotional well-being.
  • 83% of respondents who engage in comprehensive financial planning said that they feel in control of their finances, while 57% of those who do not have a plan said they barely get by every month.
  • 70% of Canadians who engaged in comprehensive financial planning said they feel closer to achieving their goals as a result of financial planning.
  • Only 13% of those without a financial plan felt they would be able to retire in the lifestyle they wanted.
  • 76% of Canadians who deal with a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) said they feel more ‘on track’ as a result of working with their planner.

Financial Planning is the key; it always has been and always will be!

This is the first study I’ve ever seen that shows such concrete evidence confirming the value of comprehensive financial planning. Without financial planning, Canadians often don’t have a clear idea of what their financial goals are, yet alone how they are going to get there. Too many people find out how important financial planning is when it’s too late to make changes.

It isn’t enough these days to try to save some money, you need to define what you are saving for, when you are going to need the money, and what savings vehicle will best get you there. Regular check-ups are also needed to ensure that you’re on the right track. Everyone has different savings goals, so just shucking some money into a savings account isn’t going to cut it over the long term.

Additionally, by finding the optimal savings vehicles for your risk tolerance, comprehensive financial planning can help find extra dollars by taking advantage of tax savings. By earning more on each dollar you can reach your savings goals faster.

Regardless of how much you make, you and your family need a comprehensive financial plan to find out where you are financially and to help you get to where you want to be in the future.