Scale Your Service Business To Be Less Reliant On You

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc.

Grow Your BusinessPrevention is better than cure

To grow a valuable business – one you can sell – you need to set up your company so that it is no longer reliant on you.  Financial Planning for business owners is less about what you can take out of your business and more about what you can do to it so that it runs without you.

This can be easier said than done, especially when, like a PR consultant or plumber, what you are selling is your expertise.

To scale up a knowledge-based business, you first have to figure out how to impart your knowledge to your employees, so that they can deliver the goods. However it can be difficult to condense years of school and on-the-job learning into a few weeks of employee training. The more specialised your knowledge, the harder it is to hand over work to juniors.

The key to scaling up a service business can often be found by offering the service that prevents customers from having to call you in the first place. You have to shift from selling the cure to selling the prevention.

Fixing what is broken is typically a hard task to teach; however, preventing things from breaking in the first place can be a far easier task to train others to do.

For example, it takes years for a dentist to acquire the education and experience to successfully complete a root canal, but it’s relatively easy to train a hygienist to perform a regularly scheduled cleaning.

It’s almost effortless for an estate agency manager to hire someone to clean the gutters once a month, but repairing the flooded basement caused by the clogged gutters can be quite complex.

For a master car mechanic, overhauling an engine that has seized up takes years of training, but preventing the problem by regularly changing a customer’s oil is something a high school student can be taught to do.

For an IT services company, restoring a customer’s network after a virus has invaded often takes the know-how of the boss, but preventing the virus by installing and monitoring the latest software patches is something a junior can easily be trained to do.

When you’re selling your expertise, it can be tough to hire a team to do the work for you. As ironic as it sounds, sometimes the key to getting out of doing the work is to offer a preventive service, which not only maintains your business income, but also eliminates the need for someone to call you in the first place.

Financial planning for business owners is different.  Following the same traditional financial planning methods appropriate for your employees will lead you down the wrong path. Your business is where your wealth is and planning how to access that wealth when it comes time to retire is key.

Wondering if you have a sellable business? The Sellability Score is a quantitative tool designed to analyze how sellable your business is. After completing the questionnaire, you will immediately receive a Sellability Score out of 100 along with instructions for interpreting your results.

Take the Quiz here: The Business Sellability Audit

Why not find out now if your business is sellable?

This free online tool is the only no-risk step you can take to determine if your business is ready to get full value. Fast-track your analysis by taking advantage of this free, no-obligation free online tool.

This Sellability Score you instantly receive is a critical component to any business owner’s complete financial plan and is something that, until now, we have only made available to existing clients.

However, we recognized that there is value in knowing in advance of working with a financial planner whether or not your largest asset is ready to be exchanged for your retirement nest egg. Our view is that you are better to learn more about your businesses sellability today and find out how your business scores on the eight key attributes so that you can ensure you obtain full value.

If your business part of your retirement plan, finding out your sellability score will be the best 10 min. you could ever spend working “on” your business.

Sellability ScoreFor more free information on Creating A Business Owner’s Dream Financial Plan, you can listen to a free, eight part series we did exclusively for business owners. The show is also available to subscribe to for free via iTunes.

KEY021 | 8 Myths of Long Term Care Insurance

8 Myths of Long Term Care Insurance


To subscribe to the podcast, please use the links below:

If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! Enjoy the show!


In this episode, I interview Jennifer Jacobs, President of LTCI Consulting Inc.  Jen is a Living Benefits Specialist and brings to the call a wealth of wisdom.

Understanding that a Long Term Care Insurance plan is essential to your long term financial well being and how this one plan can mean the difference between financial freedom and financial ruin makes you realize how exposed you are without it.

There is a real opportunity in the Canadian Long Term Care Insurance marketplace that should not be overlooked.  Your long term wealth depends on it.

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.

Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.

Items Mentioned In This Episode

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Jennifer Jacobs – 8 Myths Of Long Term Care Insurance

I invited Jennifer Jacobs, President of LTCI Consulting Inc. to discuss the 8 myths of long term care insurance.

Jen is our most valuable resource when it comes to living benefits and we are proud to have her as part of our team.

Long Term Care Insurance carries with it a lot of misunderstanding not only by the general public but by most of the insurance companies themselves.  This discussion will reveal the wealth protection traits that a long term care insurance program possesses and dispell the most common myths.

Please click on the video link below to watch & listen to the call.

Charles Wilton – Portfolio Management

Charles WiltonI invited Charles Wilton, Private Portfolio Manager at Raymond James to discuss why most people don’t know how to make money in their investment portfolio.

Charles is a veteran.  He explains in plain-English the fundamental flaw that is contained in our DNA that encourages us to make the wrong decisions at the wrong times in our portfolios and provides a very clear and easy to understand disciplined approach that fixes our inherent flawed mindset.

Wisdom is what allows Charles to be able to explain in plain-English what a proper investment approach looks like.

IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call.
These calls are recorded by Scott Plaskett and allow you to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of his professional update calls. Watch and listen as a “fly on the wall” and get some of the most valuable information you will find on the Internet.


Business Owners: Four Ways To Protect Your Turf…

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc.

Four Way To Protect Your TurfWarren Buffett famously invests in businesses that have what he calls a protective “moat” around them – one that inoculates them from competition and allows them to control their pricing.

Big companies lock out their competitors by out-slugging them in capital infrastructure investments, but smaller businesses have to be smarter about how they defend their turf. Here are four ways to deepen and widen the protective moat around your business:

Get certified

Is there a certification program that you could take to differentiate your business? A Canadian company that disposes of radioactive waste decided to get licensed by the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.  It was a lot of paperwork and training, but the certification process acts as a barrier against other people jumping into the market and competing.

Is there a certification you could get that would make it more difficult for others to compete with you?

Create an army of defenders

Ecstatic customers act as defenders against other competitors entering your market, a factor that has enabled companies like Trader Joe’s to defend their market share in the bourgeois bohemian (bobo) market, despite a crowded market of stores hawking groceries

Get your customers to integrate

Is there a way you can get your customers to integrate your product or service into their operations?

The basic switching costs of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software are virtually nil.  Everyone from 37signals to will give you a free trial to test their wares.

The real expenses associated with changing CRM software only come when a business starts to customize the software and integrate it into the way they work. Once a sales manager has trained his salespeople in creating a weekly sales funnel in a CRM platform, try to convince him to switch software.

Can you offer your customers training in how to use what you sell to make your company stickier?

Become a verb

Think back to the last time you looked for a recipe. You probably “googled” it.  Part of Google’s competitive shield is that the company name has become a verb. Now every time someone refers to searching for something online, it reinforces the competitive position of a single company.

Is there a way you could control the vocabulary people use to refer to your category or specialty?

Widening your protective moat triggers a virtuous cycle: differentiation leads to having control over your pricing, which allows for healthier margins, which in turn lead to greater profitability and the cash to further differentiate your offering.

If you are curious to see how your growth stacks up and if you’re building a business you could sell one day, take the 13 minute Sellability Score questionnaire:

Take the Quiz here: The Business Sellability Audit

Why not find out now if your business is sellable?

This free online tool is the only no-risk step you can take to determine if your business is ready to get full value. Fast-track your analysis by taking advantage of this free, no-obligation free online tool.

This Sellability Score you instantly receive is a critical component to any business owner’s complete financial plan and is something that, until now, we have only made available to existing clients.

However, we recognized that there is value in knowing in advance of working with a financial planner whether or not your largest asset is ready to be exchanged for your retirement nest egg. Our view is that you are better to learn more about your businesses sellability today and find out how your business scores on the eight key attributes so that you can ensure you obtain full value.

If your business part of your retirement plan, finding out your sellability score will be the best 10 min. you could ever spend working “on” your business.

Sellability ScoreFor more free information on Creating A Business Owner’s Dream Financial Plan, you can listen to a free, eight part series we did exclusively for business owners. The show is also available to subscribe to for free via iTunes.

KEY020 | I’m Fine, Thanks

I’m Fine, Thanks – by: Crank Tank Studios


To subscribe to the podcast, please use the links below:

If you have a chance, please leave me an honest rating and review on iTunes by clicking here. It will help the show and its ranking in iTunes immensely! I appreciate it! Enjoy the show!


In this episode, I interview Adam Baker, Producer of “I’m Fine, Thanks”.

I’m Fine, Thanks is a documentary that will “give thousands of people inspiration to live their lives based on their own hopes and dreams – not someone elses vision or script for their life.” – Adam Baker

(Click here to PLEDGE or watch the Trailer on Kickstarter Page)

And if you’d like to get a jump start on finding the answers to your key financial planning questions, using our proven system, you can book your risk free, no-obligation initial meeting. One of our specifically trained Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to walk you through The KAIZEN Financial Planning Process™.

Visit us online, at, to obtain our contact information, then simply call or email to book your free initial meeting.

Items Mentioned In This Episode

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