"Should I Take A Salary, or Dividends?"

If you've been running a business for more than a year, you may be wondering how to properly and tax efficiently take money out of your business.

In light of the recent Canadian government's new 2016 "Growing the Middle Class"  budget, the way you decide to take money out of your company (salary or dividends) will dictate the level of control you have over your personal wealth accumulation from this point forward.

Shocking Study:

A long term historical study released in The Canadian Tax Journal shows that the long term average combined marginal tax bracket in Canada from 1949 - 1994 was 59.04%. The highest combined marginal tax bracket since 1971 was 80% under the first Trudeau government.

Considering that the top tax bracket was just increased to 53.53% by the current Trudeau government,how you pull money out of your company will make a dramatic difference in your ability to accumulate and keep your wealth.

The problem is, most business owners don't have the patience, or a system, to easily analyze their optimal compensation structure... and continue to participate in the same plans offered to their employees. Without realizing the time bomb they are setting for themselves.

Setting up the wrong compensation structure will reduce your control and increase the taxes you pay - it's that simple.


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