Episode 006: My interview On CJAD

Monday, April 9, 2018

On this episode of Confessions of an Ex-Banker I am interviewed by CJAD's Tommy Schnurmacher about  the inside secrets of how to get the most out of your bank (investments, mortgages…) and how to stay away from the hidden traps of high fees.


And if you would like to take advantage of the strategies and financial products that your banker may not be showing you, we would love to show you. Contact us and one of our Certified Financial Planners will be pleased to show you the PARAGON Financial Planning Process™ and everything else that your banker is hiding from you.

If you TRULY got value out of my podcast please leave me a rating and review on iTunes. You would be doing me a BIG favor as its ranking would move up substantially.

Thanks for listening!

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