Successful Entrepreneurs Can Be The Doer And The Dealmaker Comments


Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. Where do you sit on the doer vs. dealmaker continuum? On one hand, you have business owners who are really good operators. They have a plan, know their numbers and work that …
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Why did Charles Wilton bought JP Morgan Chase and Infosys recently in his portfolio? Comments

Charles Wilton

In today’s episode, I chat with Charles Wilton, Portfolio Manager with the Private Investment Management Group at Raymond James. We talk about the recent deposition and acquisition in his portfolio. IRONSHIELD Financial Planning’s “Fly On The Wall” update call. These …
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How To Lure A Giant Like Facebook Into Buying Your Company Comments


Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. A great business is bought, not sold, so, if you look too eager to sell your business, you’ll be negotiating on the back foot and look desperate—a recipe for a bad exit. …
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How To Avoid Disappointment When It’s Time To Cash Out Comments


Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. How do you avoid not being disappointed with the money you make from the sale of your company? Perhaps you’ve heard that companies like yours trade using an industry rule of thumb …
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One Tweak That Can (Instantly) Add Millions To The Value Of Your Business Comments

Business meeting

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. If you’re trying to figure out what your business might be worth, it’s helpful to consider what acquirers are paying for companies like yours these days. A little internet research will probably reveal …
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Why Startups Stall Comments

Why Startups Stall

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. Have you ever wondered why startup companies stop growing? Sometimes they run out of potential customers to sell to or their product starts losing market share to a competitor, but there is …
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Mike Flux – Market Update and Investment Alternatives Q3-2017 Comments

In this video, I speak with Mike Flux, Senior Vice President and Portfolio Manager of Connor Clark & Lunn Private Capital to chat about their investment outlook from Q3 of 2017. We also discuss how to interpret the current events, and …
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The Downside of Being Upfront with Employees Comments

8 Questions You’ll Be Asked When Selling Your Business

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. One of the core principles of creating a more valuable business is ensuring it can run without you by getting managers to think like owners. The theory goes that empowered employees are …
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