8 Questions You’ll Be Asked When Selling Your Business Comments

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. One of the most intimidating aspects of selling your business can be facing the barrage of questions during the various management presentations you’ll be doing for potential acquirers. Be prepared to be grilled …
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7 things to do before signing a Letter of Intent to sell your business Comments

Republished with permission from Built to Sell Inc. You may be years away from selling your business, but it’s never too early to understand what the process involves. If you have ever promised your child a treat in return for good …
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Six Reasons You May Want To Sell Your Business Now… Comments

Is Now the Time To Sell Your Business? Have you been thinking about selling your business but just can’t decide if now is the best time?  Do you find yourself repeatedly analyzing the economic situation and wishing you had a …
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What Your Birth Certificate Says About Your Exit Plan Comments

By: Scott Plaskett & John Warrillow In our experience, your age has a big effect on your attitude towards your business and how you feel about one day getting out. Here’s what we have found:   Business owners between 25 …
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The Danger Of Market Timing The Sale Of Your Business Comments

By: Scott Plaskett & John Warrillow The other day I was speaking with a successful CEO in his fifties who runs a heating and air conditioning company generating eight million dollars in revenue and over one million dollars in profit …
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