Canada Reduces Tax Rates for Small Businesses Comments0

The Canadian government has continually shown support for small businesses in several different aspects. The federal budget revealed earlier this year in April confirms that the government is always striving to help its entrepreneurs. Along with a new TFSA contribution …
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New TFSA Limit Reaches Close—But Not Quite—to Proposed $11,000 Comments0

Last month, the federal budget revealed that the new Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit had been raised from $5,500 to $10,000 per year. While this is nearly doubled the original limit, it falls short of the expected $11,000. Still, the …
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Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)—Myths and Tips Comments0

Today, I want to talk about a relatively new investment tool—the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). The Tax-Free Savings Account was launched in 2009 and many people are becoming aware of it today. But how much do you really know about …
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Tax Free Savings Accounts and Deferred Sales Charges Comments0

There is a potential time bomb lurking in Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) that have investments in them that were purchased using a Deferred Sales Charge (DSC) compensation model. When I did the math on this, it just reinforced my …
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Highlights of the 2010 Federal Budget Comments0

The 2010 Federal Budget was delivered as Canada and other nations are slowly working their way out of the recent global recession. While Canada experienced less of a decline than other countries, the Canadian economy still has some work to …
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Canadian Charities – Good Giving… Comments0

Canadian charities had a rough year according to Statistics Canada. Donations were down 5.3% as recession-wary Canadians cut back on support for their favourite causes. There is still a window of time left to help a charity that means something …
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TAX TIP – 100% Write Off for Computer Equipment – Limited Offer! Comments0

The 2009 Federal budget announced a temporary 100% Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) rate for computer equipment and systems software. Computer equipment or systems software purchased after January 27, 2009 and before February 1, 2011 will be eligible for the 100% …
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