Make Retirement the Time of Your Life: Ask Yourself Three Questions Comments

You’ve spent years in anticipation of retirement – now that it’s around the corner, it’s time to realize there’s more to retirement planning than just financial security. If you’re only saving for basic living expenses once you retire, then you …
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TAX TIP – 100% Write Off for Computer Equipment – Limited Offer! Comments

The 2009 Federal budget announced a temporary 100% Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) rate for computer equipment and systems software. Computer equipment or systems software purchased after January 27, 2009 and before February 1, 2011 will be eligible for the 100% …
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Saving for Your Kids’ Education Comments

If you believe the numbers, then plan on spending over $66,000 for a four-year degree at a Canadian university by the time your toddler is ready to go. And that doesn’t even include food and board – these are projected …
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