On The Cutting Edge – Webinars Comments

Webinar – A web-based seminar that we conduct – live – giving you the opportunity to hear directly from members of our team as well as creating a forum for education on a variety of financial topics. In another “first”, we …
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2009 — The Year It Paid Off to Stay In Comments

Congratulations!  You rode out the 2008 market correction without changing course – and now it’s paid off (and what a payoff).  Although we experienced an extremely tough year in global markets in 2008, those who stayed invested – and invested more …
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Lesser-Known Signs You Need to Change Your Plan Comments

We all know about the big life events that might trigger a change in your financial plan – a new job, an inheritance, retirement, marriage or divorce, sale of a business, the birth of a child. But there are a …
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Highlights of the 2010 Federal Budget Comments

The 2010 Federal Budget was delivered as Canada and other nations are slowly working their way out of the recent global recession.  While Canada experienced less of a decline than other countries, the Canadian economy still has some work to …
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Friends don’t let friends quietly suffer financial misfortune Comments

CLIENT SUCCESS STORY #1 Client Profile: Laurence Sunderland (not his real name) Occupation: Business Owner – Residential and commercial alarm systems Prior to meeting with IRONSHIELD Financial Planning™, Laurence’s confidence in his advisor was diminishing. He felt that his advisor …
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Canadian Charities – Good Giving… Comments

Canadian charities had a rough year according to Statistics Canada. Donations were down 5.3% as recession-wary Canadians cut back on support for their favourite causes. There is still a window of time left to help a charity that means something …
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Not Your Dad’s Pension Plan Comments


Pensions have changed a lot since the early days when employees could rely on a generous defined benefit (DB) plan to take them through their retirement years. DB plans, which guarantee a set payout on retirement, are being replaced by …
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Use Your Business to Put Your Kids Through School Comments

Along with an RESP, a small business-owner has another ace up his or her sleeve to pay for a child’s education – an Employee Profit Sharing Plan (EPSP). An EPSP allows you as a small business-owner to income split with …
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