New TFSA Limit Reaches Close—But Not Quite—to Proposed $11,000 Comments0

Last month, the federal budget revealed that the new Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) limit had been raised from $5,500 to $10,000 per year. While this is nearly doubled the original limit, it falls short of the expected $11,000. Still, the …
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How to Respond to Market Crashes Comments0

Oftentimes, we hear on the news that the markets have crashed, but bear in mind that the media frequently dramatize events and make it seem as if things are really crazy. While things may become a little hectic, the real …
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Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)—Myths and Tips Comments0

Today, I want to talk about a relatively new investment tool—the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). The Tax-Free Savings Account was launched in 2009 and many people are becoming aware of it today. But how much do you really know about …
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TFSA VS RRSP – Where’s The Best Place for Your Money Comments0

A recent online survey conducted in November by Ipsos Reid showed that of over 1200 Canadians, 36% aren’t even contributing to an RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan). If that many people aren’t taking advantage of this age-old investment vehicle, imagine …
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Tax Free Savings Accounts and Deferred Sales Charges Comments0

There is a potential time bomb lurking in Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) that have investments in them that were purchased using a Deferred Sales Charge (DSC) compensation model. When I did the math on this, it just reinforced my …
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August 9th, 2011 – Stock market action commentary Comments0

Markets have been trading for two sessions now since the US was downgraded by S&P. While the net effect is a decline in stock prices and bond yields (bond prices higher), markets shot ahead today after the US Fed committed …
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Beyond the Lost Decade Comments0

As we said goodbye to 2009, there was a lot to celebrate — we closed out a year of spectacular gains on world stock markets. But while 2009 was a great year, it also marked the end of one of …
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2009 — The Year It Paid Off to Stay In Comments0

Congratulations! You rode out the 2008 market correction without changing course – and now it’s paid off (and what a payoff). Although we experienced an extremely tough year in global markets in 2008, those who stayed invested – and invested more …
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